Library Media Center
Dr. Clara Bannister's Place
Google Applied Digital Skills Celebrate women's history collection
We celebrate Women's History during March. Google Applied Digital Skills offers powerful lessons on the stories and contributions women have made in our society. These lessons may be assigned to classes created.
Also, the Library of Congress provide use and reuse resources.
Franklin Military Academy Virtual Book Club
The Franklin Military Academy Virtual Book Club is here. Cadets meet every other Tuesday to discuss various books they are reading. A Google Classroom has been created for all participants. FMA has partnered with Delta Sigma Sorority to read and discuss the eBook The Girl from the Tar Paper School. The eBook is about the Civil Rights Activist, Barbara Johns. Active Delta members, in our community, come in and meet with our FMA book club participants to discuss the book while they eat lunch. It has been educational and informative. Cadets will also choose books of their own to read and recommend. It has been a look of fun!
Big 6 Destiny Research Collection
This Destiny Collection was created to assist students and teachers with understanding the Big 6 Research Process. In addition, there are resources on note-taking, brainstorming, outlining, tech tools for writing, and rubrics for evaluating student work.