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Our Schools


Apply to Our School

Our school is an RPS specialty school that requires students complete an application to be considered for admission. 

Specialty school applicants are required to complete a single common application in Enroll RPS allowing them to submit the following common components which will be applied to each school to which they apply:

  • 2 teacher recommendations
  • 1 essay (not required for rising 6th graders at Franklin Military Academy)
  • 1 short essay response

The applications for RPS specialty schools open annually in October. Be on the lookout for enrollment notices when families may submit specialty school applications. No late applications are accepted for specialty schools. 

Once students submit applications they will be contacted by the specialty schools to which they applied for next steps in the selection process.

Information about the application process, including key dates and information sessions, is available on our School Applications homepage

The link to the school applications will be available here starting Friday October 13, 2023.